.. _config-directory:

Location of GazeParser Configuration file

GazeParser reads a configuration file named 'GazeParser.cfg' when imported.
GazeParser assumes that the configuration file exists in following directory
**unless commandline options are given** (new feature in 0.6.6 - see :ref:`sgt-commandline-option`).
If this directory is not found, GazeParser automatically creates it.
Default TrackingTools' configuration file is also in this directory.

========== ================================
Platform   Directory
========== ================================
Win32      %APPDATA%\GazeParser
Linux      $HOME/.GazeParser
Mac OS X   $HOME/.GazeParser
========== ================================

Location of SimpleGazeTracker Configuration file and Data directory

Configuration file of SimpleGazeTracker is located in following directory.
If the directory does not exist, SimpleGazeTracker automatically creates it.

========== ================================
Platform   Directory
========== ================================
Win32      %APPDATA%\SimpleGazeTracker
Linux      $HOME/.SimpleGazeTracker
========== ================================

SimpleGazeTracker writes output file (i.e. log file and data file) to the followingg diretory.

========== ================================
Platform   Directory
========== ================================
Win32      %USERPROFILE%\SimpleGazeTracker
Linux      $HOME/SimpleGazeTracker
========== ================================

Location of font file and templates of configuration file for SimpleGazeTracker

SimpleGazeTracker has templates of configuration file.
These files are used when configuration file is not found in the configuration directory (see above for location of the configuration direcotry).
Template file is searched from following directories. If template files are not found, SimpleGazeTracker is terminated immediately.

1. SimpleGazeTracker installation directory
2. /usr/local/lib/simplegazetracker (linux/MacOS X)
3. /usr/lib/simplegazetracker (linux/MacOS X)
4. Current directory

SimpleGazeTracker requres font file (FreeSans.ttf) to render messages.
Font file is searched from following directories. If font file is not found, SimpleGazeTracker is terminated immediately.

1. The directory where template files are found.
2. /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont (linux/MacOS X)
3. Current directory