.. _config-trackingtools: Configure GazeParser.TrackingTools ============================================================= TrackingTools configuration file is a plain text file. This is a sample of TrackingTools configuration file. :: [Controller] IMAGE_WIDTH = 320 IMAGE_HEIGHT = 240 PREVIEW_WIDTH = 640 PREVIEW_HEIGHT = 480 VALIDATION_SHIFT = 20 SHOW_CALDISPLAY = True NUM_SAMPLES_PER_TRGPOS = 10 CALTARGET_MOTION_DURATION = 1.0 CALTARGET_DURATION_PER_POS = 2.0 CAL_GETSAMPLE_DEALAY = 0.4 TRACKER_IP_ADDRESS = Following table shows the meaning of these parameters. These parameters can be set and changed without using TrackingTools configuration file. Parameters ------------ ========================== ============================================================================ =================================== parameter description how to set/change ========================== ============================================================================ =================================== IMAGE_WIDTH Width of the image transfered from the Recorder PC. :func:`~GazeParser.TrackingTools.BaseController.setReceiveImageSize` If you set non-zero value to ROI_WIDTH in SimpleGazeTracker configuration file, this value must be equal to ROI_WIDTH. Otherwise, this value must be equal to CAMERA_WIDTH in SimpleGazeTracker configuration file. IMAGE_HEIGHT Height of the image transfered from the Recorder PC. :func:`~GazeParser.TrackingTools.BaseController.setReceiveImageSize` If you set non-zero value to ROI_HEIGHT in SimpleGazeTracker configuration file, this value must be equal to ROI_HEIGHT. Otherwise, this value must be equal to CAMERA_HEIGHT in SimpleGazeTracker configuration file. PREVIEW_WIDTH Width of the preview image on the presentation PC. :func:`~GazeParser.TrackingTools.BaseController.setPreviewImageSize` PREVIEW_HEIGHT Width of the preview image on the presentation PC. :func:`~GazeParser.TrackingTools.BaseController.setPreviewImageSize` VALIDATION_SHIFT Shift of the target position in the Validation process. :func:`~GazeParser.TrackingTools.BaseController.setValidationShift` If this parameter is 10, target position in the Validation is 10 pixel distant from target position in the Calibration process. SHOW_CALDISPLAY If this parameter is true, preview image is shown at the presentation PC. (press 'a' key to toggle this Set this parameter false if you want to hide preview image from participant. parameter during calibration loop) NUM_SAMPLES_PER_TRGPOS Number of calibration samples acquired at each target position. :func:`~GazeParser.TrackingTools.BaseController.setCalSampleAcquisitionParams` This value must be must be integer and greater than 0. If sampling frequency of SimpleGazeTracker is 120Hz and this parameter is 10, it takes 83.3 msec (1000msec/120*10) to complete sample acquisition at each target position. **New in 0.6.0** CALTARGET_MOTION_DURATION Duration in which target moves to a calibration position. Unit is second. :func:`~GazeParser.TrackingTools.BaseController.setCalTargetMotionParams` This value must be greater than or equal to 0 and smaller than CALTARGET_DURATION_PER_POS. **New in 0.6.0** CALTARGET_DURATION_PER_POS Duration in which target moves to and stays at a calibration position. :func:`~GazeParser.TrackingTools.BaseController.setCalTargetMotionParams` Unit is second. This value must be greater than or equal to 0. **New in 0.6.0** CAL_GETSAMPLE_DEALAY Delay of starting sample acquisition from target arrived at calibration :func:`~GazeParser.TrackingTools.BaseController.setCalSampleAcquisitionParams` position. Unit is second. This value must not be negative and should be smaller than CALTARGET_DURATION_PER_POS minus CALTARGET_MOTION_DURATION. **New in 0.6.0** TRACKER_IP_ADDRESS Set default IP address of SimpleGazeTracker. **New in 0.6.1** :func:`~GazeParser.TrackingTools.BaseController.connect` ========================== ============================================================================ ===================================